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Friday, 14 July 2017


Rather than putting stress on technical skills, organizations these days are more focused upon soft skills training in order to realize the true potential of an individual as an employee. However, it is extremely important to understand the root difference between these two terms, i.e., soft skills and hard skills. The technical skills or “hard skills” are the skills essential to get the work done efficiently and depends entirely on what type of job it is. Examples are operation of machinery, accounting, marketing, engineering and accounting. These skills can be learned and acquired easily.
On the contrary, soft skills, known by the other names such as core skills, professional skills, employability skills, people skills to name a few, are the set of skills required on daily basis and are not crucial just for the job. The ability to use both cognitive as well as emotional skills are determined by the same. It includes examples such as interpersonal skills, time management, stress management, communication skills, leadership, creativity and problem solving, decision making.
Companies these days are looking for great employees, not just good employees. Some of the attributes of a great employee are:
·         Excellent technical skills
·         Attitude
·         Soft skills

By focusing on soft skills, we are not overlooking the importance of hard or technical skills; rather they act as a key to unlock the potential of an employee as far as giving high effective performance is concerned. Successful employees focus both on hard and soft skills equally. Hence, soft skills training is of utmost importance but you have to keep yourself updated with the same on a regular basis. Looking for soft skill training in north India? Contact us.

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